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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Tajikistan, Belarus forge ties in economic, education concerns

It was agreed that economics and education should be paramount in  international cooperation between Belarus and Tajikistan, Radzhabali Radzhabov, deputy head of the Khatlon Oblast administration of Tajikistan, said Wednesday.

The official said there were areas of economic cooperation that were of mutual interest, such as the use of Belarus agricultural equipment and Tajikistan cotton. During a visit to Belarus, a Tajikistan delegation wanted to learn about the agricultural situation in Belarus and what it does in the areas of dairy animal husbandry.

Another area of interest to the delegates was education.
"Cooperation in education -- particularly increasing the number of our students in universities in Gomel Oblast -- is very important for us,” Radzhabov said.

During its visit, the Tajikistan delegation visited numerous Gomel District agricultural enterprises featuring those that manufacture milking systems and general practices.