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Thursday, April 18, 2024

ARDSHININVESTMENTBANK - ARMENIA: Ardshinbank announces New Year deposit

Ardshininvestbank - Armenia issued the following announcement on Dec. 21.

On the eve of New Year holidays, Ardshinbank offers individuals to invest US $ 1 per cent higher than the current interest rate. The offer is effective till December 31 of the current year.

Visiting a branch office for making a deposit in Ardshinbank is not mandatory, as it is possible to invest, replenish, reduce, prolong or sever deposits in the Bank's Mobile Banking annex. In case of a visit to the bank, it is enough to present an identification document.

Ardshinbank offers the clients' preferences according to the preferences of each client, with added, monthly, quarterly, different amounts and terms. At the same time, depending on the amount invested, Ardshinbank's depositors receive health, medical and travel insurance from accidents.

Detailed information on "New Year" deposit can be obtained by visiting the Bank's official website at or by calling (012) 222222 round-the-clock.

Original source can be found here.

Source: Ardshininvestbank - Armenia