Cistran Finance Exploring the Spirit of Capitalism's New Frontier

Thursday, April 18, 2024

B&N to open 19 new offices in early 2014

B&N will open 19 new offices by the end of April, with offices slated to be located in Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod, Orenburg, Samara, Penza, Krasnoyarsk, Pskov and Rostov-on-Don.

Senior Vice President of B&N Peter Morsin said that the bank has more than 180 offices in 56 Russian cities. The bank expanded its presence in 2013 to such new towns as Kemerovo and Krasnoyarsk, increasing its number of banks by 56.

The company selects the cities it expands to based on careful monitoring and analysis of the city's economic potential and its demand for the bank's products and services.

B&N is a secure private financial institution in Russia. The bank's gives individuals and legal entities the ability to carry out operations with maximum comfort, combining a deep knowledge of local markets with a quality of service that meets international standards.

The bank is also active in supporting small and medium-sized businesses in Russia.