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Saturday, April 20, 2024

IMF releases report on Turkmenistan economy after assessment visit

A team from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) led by Bjorn Rother assessed macroeconomic development and the overall business climate in Turkmenistan, the IMF announced on Wednesday.

The team and government officials also discussed current economic challenges and what the nation's policy priorities should be moving forward.

They also discussed the upcoming Article IV Consultation Mission, which begins in January.

Rother said brisk growth continues in the country, estimated to be at 10 to 11 percent through the end of 2014, thanks in part to increased export of the country's natural gas to China and its large public investment. Economic spillover from slowdowns in other markets has been tempered due to the country's limited ties to foreign markets.

IMF officials also presented the fund's perspective on the global and regional economic outlook at a conference titled Monetary Policy, Competitiveness and Economic Growth in Epoch of Might and Happiness of Turkmenistan.